Sunday, February 08, 2015

Getting Things Done Day

This is the one day of the week I have nothing planned and can get a few things organized.  I was up around 6:15 and by 7:30 I'd reorganized the big drawer of the computer desk that I keep padded envelopes in.  Granted, this took me about 3 minutes but it was a job that needed doing.

My plans for the rest of the day are to do laundry, pack up stuff for the Salvation Army, and dispose of much of the packaging material I use for Ebay because I'm mainly getting out of the Ebay business.  I still have a few odd items I'll play around with from time to time, especially all that lace I brought down, but I'm done yard saleing to buy more product.  I may end up with a roomy, neat trailer!

I have tons of lace that takes up very little room and needs only envelopes to mail so I do see a day when most of the clutter is gone from the trailer...probably when I decide to sell it, I bet.  There won't be a day when all crafts and other interests of mine disappear, at least not until I'm senile or dead.  One of the most wonderful things about being a senior is that your time is mainly your own and you can pursue any little interest that crosses your mind.

Being a widow, I don't have anyone to tell me I should stop developing new interests or spending money on them.  I can go to the casino without having to face any disapproval, especially if I don't tell Cindy I went.  She doesn't nag but she does get a stern look on her face when I talk about my gambling.  I don't understand how my Kim hates shopping and my Cindy hates gambling.  Shelley isn't much of a gambler, either.  I gave birth to those girls!!  

All of my girls are also gourmet cooks and they sure didn't get that from me, either.  Of course, I'm nothing like my own mother other than we shared a liking for parties and dancing so I shouldn't be surprised when my children don't share my interests.

Back to my "getting things done day"...I'll be leaving lots of time for playing on the computer, talking to neighbors as I go back and forth to the laundry room, watching a bit of T.V., and probably eating lunch at Arbys.  I might even work on the red, white, and blue frilly scarf I'm making for our U.S. Day door prizes.

Life is good!


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