Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Interesting Thing About Diet Coke

I used Sensa for over a year, sprinkling most of the time, and lost about 25 lbs which I amazingly kept off.  Even when I stopped using it, my new eating patterns remained so I continued losing 1, gaining 3/4 which was not so bad for someone like me.

About a week ago I noticed a huge increase in my evening appetite that worried me because I know how fast I can gain weight.  This was the first time my appetite was out of control since I'd begun with Sensa and it was really strange because it seemed to happen overnight.  My normal evening snack for the past year has been a yogurt cup and I really was quite satisfied with it until last week.  All of a sudden I wanted more, much more, and I tried to appease the hunger with as healthy a choice as I could but I knew I was in trouble.

I told Sylvia, my Sensa partner, and she asked if it might have something to do with the cases of Diet Coke I'd recently stocked up on.  Holy crap!!  I thought back to when I'd bought the Diet Coke and when my increased hunger began and darned if they weren't connected.

I honestly don't keep Diet Coke in the house very often but every once in a while I feel a craving for it.  I know there are no calories in the soda but I have learned that soda stretches your stomach and shouldn't be consumed if you're trying to lose weight.  I knew this but assumed it wasn't too important.  How much can your stomach expand, for heaven's sake??  Well, my experience in the past week was a huge eye opener for me.  Going from feeling comfortable after eating a yogurt in the evening to feeling starved after eating one was a dramatic change in my nice new eating habits.

I had no Diet Coke yesterday and my evening snack was the usual yogurt cup after which I wasn't hungry at all.  

This afternoon I caved in and had 2 Diet Cokes so it will be interesting to see how my evening will turn out.  

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