Saturday, February 14, 2015

Hate Crime

Is it really a worse crime to murder innocent people because of their race, sexual orientation, or religion?  Is the murder not just as heinous if none of these reasons are considered?  I don't understand "hate crimes".  

How is it a worse crime if a hateful gun toting man walks up to their victim and kills them because of their race, sexual orientation, or religion?  What if the murderer just didn't like the way they walked or the color of their eyes?  How is one crime worse than the other?  What if the killer just hated women and chose an unfortunate stranger to kill?  How can these crimes not be treated equally?  I simply don't understand the reasoning.

If our criminal justice system wants to choose a true hate crime that should receive tougher treatment, try keeping pedophiles in prison for life.  Execute the pedophiles who rape, torture, and then murder a little child.  These are crimes that deserve the "hate crime" label and severe punishment more than those committed because of race, sexual orientation, and religion.

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