Sunday, February 01, 2015

Life Changes

Things change and we either have to change and adapt with them or we end up feeling terribly resentful.  My life this year will reflect quite a few changes and I'm ready to adapt.

My best friend here at the park, Sylvia, has sold her trailer and won't be coming back.  I will miss her immeasurably because she's such a huge part of my Florida winter but I'll hopefully see her in the summer when I attend my family reunion in New Brunswick.  It's not much but it's something.

I don't have many winters left in Florida and next winter will be lonelier without Sylvia.  I have lots of friends here who, though they won't take Sylvia's place, will keep me from being too lonely.  They are good people I don't want to lose, either.

And then there's the deep diving Canadian dollar to contend with.  I just decided today that the best way to deal with that is to stop going to the game rooms on Mondays.  That's $60 a week I'm saving for better things and it won't be a big loss not to be able to go gambling.  

Life is always going to change for us as the years go by and that's a fact.  Sometimes it gets better and sometimes it gets worse but usually it's a sideways change.  One thing will replace another and life goes on.

Today is one of my quiet, stay-at-home days and I used it to do laundry, wash curtains, wash floors, and air out the mats.  I'm content.  

I've also decided to get out of the Ebay business.  Sales are just getting slower and I'd like to rid my Florida room of shipping supplies.  This will be my last winter of selling on Ebay which means that yard saleing must also come to an end.  A lot of changes in one winter, wouldn't you say?

Well, there are a lot worse things in life so I'll just relax and enjoy what I have and not fret about what I'll lose.


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