Saturday, March 07, 2015

New Beginnings

The thoughts of starting a new phase in one's life has been heavy on my mind recently.  I know how frightening it can be because there is so much of the unknown involved but if we can get beyond the fear we can gain hope that the future will be an even better place than it has been.

There are times in my past I never want to revisit and there were many times I accepted the status quo rather than move on and take my chances with something that might make me happier.  Most of us are like that...we're too afraid of the unknown to try to better our lives.  Often, when change is thrust upon us, it turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to us.

I don't like change and I've probably infected my children with the same aversion but I hope they are strong enough to work their way through adversity and make "lemonade out of lemons".  One thing they'll always have is the love and support of their close family and I'm betting they already know that.

So, no matter what crap befalls them, they are blessed.


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