Tuesday, March 03, 2015

The Good Part of the Day

I guess we always can find the silver lining to an awful day and yesterday mine was when 4 friends and I went to the game rooms.  Normally I'm the big loser and my friends either win or lose just a bit but we have fun and that's why it's worth it.  

Yesterday we climbed into the car (by the way, we're getting a little slower every year) and drove to game room #2 where I came out $20 richer.  Then we hit game room #4 where I came out $1 richer.  Then we had our $2 lunch at Wendys before going to game room #1.  That's where we hit it big.  Judy won over $200, Joann won almost $200, and I won $100.  Shirley lost some of her money and so did Dee.  The bad part was Dee flipping over in her chair and hitting her head on the concrete floor but she was okay, thank heavens.  Those damn chairs are dangerous.

We went on to game room #5 and I lost $20 but ended the day over $100 to the good.  We like to broadcast it when we win but never ask a gambler how much they lost.  We tell each other, though. 

I wish the rest of my day had been as happy.   

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