Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Sometimes Life Sucks

To me, family is everything.  It hurts to think that not all of my extended family feels the same way and that two of them have committed a terrible injustice against someone I love.  It isn't the end of the world but it is the end of any relationship I'll ever have with them.  Family should stick together and never cause undue grief to their own!

That said, it should never come as a surprise that all your family members feel the same way you do and that their characters might be of lesser quality.  You just always hope that your bonds will remain permanent and that there won't be a deal breaker to sever the relationship.  But it does happen.

A case in point is the weak relationship I have with my sister.  In my eyes she committed a terrible injustice to me that was unforgivable.  I'll always love her but I don't want to be around her if I can help it.  Yesterday's injustice by the extended family members to my loved one went deeper than that.  It  caused both emotional and financial damage that can never be forgiven.  

I wish no harm to these awful people but know that karma will take care of them.  They're not nice people and that's already their punishment because they have to live with themselves.

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