Sunday, April 19, 2015

Handling Adversity

Life is a funny thing.  Just when you think you have everything under control, the bottom falls out and you have to show what you're made of.  That's happened to me (and you) many, many times and we don't always prove ourselves to be superpeople.  I don't know if that's a real word but I don't says what I mean it to say.

Anyway, sometimes we fall short of our own expectations but sometimes we surprise ourselves with what we're capable of under duress.  I think my biggest surprise was finding out Shelley climbed under her house to pull out a dead rat!  Now, her house is almost a mansion and clean as can be but the damned rat got in through the garage and climbed under the crawl space to die.  If it were my house, I would have hired someone to get it out but Shelley is made of sterner stuff.

My Cindy took on a year of exercise and proper eating to lose about 40 pounds.  I'm in awe of her determination but, even though it inspires me to eat healthier, I'm not going to exercise.

My Kim lost her job last month and, instead of worrying herself to death, she spent a month in Florida with Shelley.  She also is facing surgery soon for thyroid problems (not cancer and that I'm ever so thankful for) before entering the job market again with the tremendous amount of skills she possesses.  She certainly won't give up and let the bad guys win!

We all face adversity of some kind pretty much every day of our lives.  It's just different and of varying intensity each time.  The way we handle it is usually the way we were made.

My girls are tough cookies!  

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