Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Home..Apartment Almost Cleaned

The ride home from Florida was not without stress.  On Saturday, it went fairly well until 30 miles before Cincinnati and then the traffic came to a slooow crawl until I got out of Cincinnati.  After being held up for 1 1/2-2 hours, traffic sped up and, just before a "Y" in the highway, I thought I was in the right lane for mine but I wasn't.  It took squealing brakes to stop me right on the "Y" before I could enter my highway.  I lost a little confidence in myself.

As I got to the hotel area (right at my cutoff time of 7:30 because I can't see to drive in the dark), I turned right into the setting sun and totally blinded myself to the point where I had no idea where I was on the highway.  Thank heavens oncoming traffic was stopped for the light but I felt like an absolute fool as I inched over to my side of the road, barely able to see where I was going.  I lost a little more confidence in myself.

The hotel was gorgeous as expected but I decided it wasn't safe to make reservations any more.  If I'm held up by traffic, I have to stop somewhere before dark and it's too much stress to be obligated to reach a certain spot.  From now on I'll just find a nice motel wherever I happen to stop.

I got home about 6 P.M. on Sunday and my apartment was so nice and neat...just as I'd left it!!  I took up one load in my new cadillac of all carts but noticed it seemed kind of unwieldly...just too large.  Faye wants to see it and maybe buy it from me.  Otherwise I'll put a little notice at the back door and try to sell it to one of the apartment residents.

I cleaned the livingroom, kitchen, and bathroom yesterday.  Then I lightly cleaned the bedrooms and put all my stuff away today.  I'll deep clean the bedrooms some time this week.  I adore my apartment!  I also finished unloading the car but Faye's and Kim's things are still in it until I can get it all to them.  I'm seeing Cindy and Faye on Saturday and Kim comes home on Sunday.

Something always has to go wrong, though, and it was that the wireless keyboard wouldn't work and I'd also left the wireless mouse at the trailer.  I went to Walmart today and bought a new set because I can't stand to type on the laptop.  The removal of my irritation cost me $50 but it was well worth it.

And now to relax.

Note:  I talked to Faye this morning and mentioned how extremely heavy her tote box was.  She said she hoped she hadn't packed it at the time she was saving rocks.  Well, damn!!

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