Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I have this shelving unit in the livingroom and bought 4 purple collapsible boxes last year to store some things neatly.  I liked them so much that I searched for a few more this year but couldn't find any in purple.  The best I could do was white with purple circles and I think they look okay.  These canvas boxes are great for storage and keep the spaces looking less cluttered.  Heaven knows, I do have a lot of "stuff" but I have a deep aversion to clutter now.

There are actually tons of books and magazines in most of the boxes, all of which would look kind of messy if you could see them.  I got rid of so much stuff when I moved but some things are too important to me to discard...what would I do without my Swedish weaving books, bead books, quilting books, etc.?

Anyway, my sweet apartment is a home and not a showcase.  I'll try not to keep anything I really have no use for but some stuff has to stay!

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