Sunday, June 07, 2015

#1 Grandson is 31!

31 years have passed since Nick was born and there has never been a moment when he disappointed us.  He is, has been, and always will be a treasure.  

Kim and her husband tried for a few years to get pregnant without success so she took treatments to enhance her chances.  They didn't work but a year later she did get pregnant and I cried my eyes out with happiness when she told us.

Nick was a huge baby...11.1 pounds when born.  Kim wasn't a heavy girl so she was all tummy while pregnant.  We knew he'd be big but not that big!

I've adored this child from day one and adore him just as much today.  Funny how much love we're capable of because I've loved each additional grandchild and greatgrandchild just the same.  Apparently the ability to love has no limit.

Happy 31st birthday, my Nicholas!

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