Thursday, June 04, 2015

Danger of Skin Cancer

I come from the generation where we had no idea of the dangers of sunbathing without sunscreen.  We enhanced our exposure to sunlight by applying baby oil to our skin or nothing at all.  Today, my generation is paying the price for that lack of knowledge.

My skin is pale and freckled and will burn easily.  Yesterday at the Mohs clinic, I noticed how many skin cancer patients have a similar skin type but I'm sure that isn't the only type that can develop skin cancer.  We're maybe the most at risk, though.

The first spot I noticed developed on my lower chest and I thought it was a wart.  My family doctor quickly identified it as skin cancer and immediately sent me to a dermatologist/skin cancer specialist.  The spot was surgically removed and never came back but it wasn't long before another spot on my forehead at the hairline showed up.  This, too, was surgically removed and so far has not returned.

The most horrific spot was on my lower lip and I chose to have it destroyed with radiation treatments.  It was a horrible, ugly, but not very painful experience but the spot is gone.

A spot showed up on my left lower arm and had to be surgically removed twice.  So far so good.

Another spot was on my cheek beside my nose...surgically removed.  The next was by my shoulder...surgically removed.
Then the last spot appeared on my cheek between my nose and lip...surgically removed twice before having Mohs to completely remove it.

I've resigned myself to knowing I'm prone to skin cancer and another could appear at any time.  I also know that it isn't the end of the world because both basal and squamous skin cancers are fairly easily dealt with.  The importance is to recognize them and see your dermatologist regularly if you do have one.  It's not pleasant but it's not deadly, either.

The biggest loss I've suffered from having the skin cancers is that I no longer can enjoy the feel of sunshine on my skin.  It worries me now and that's a shame.  I believe the skin damage was done in my younger years but I still feel in danger if I'm exposed to too much sunshine.

Skin cancer is not the worst thing that can happen to you but it's not to be taken lightly, either.  


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