Sunday, June 21, 2015


It's true that people change in many different ways as they grow older but I'm experiencing a change I'm not sure I understand.

The weather is lovely, floors are washed and laundry is done, I have money, and I'm feeling good...but I just want to stay home and enjoy the peace and quiet of my life.  I don't want to mingle with people right now and I don't know why.

Maybe the bit of drama going on at the moment is overwhelming my senses and that's why I want to be alone.  The drama is just normal family stuff but a little intense these days through no fault of my loved ones.  I used to have to unwind after work or school in the past and this is probably my way of unwinding before jumping back into the fray.

I'm not dressed to go out, either, but wearing a pretty lounger I bought at the flea market in Florida.  Perfect for a day like this when I'm staying home!

When wanting to spend more time alone first became apparent to me, it was after I'd spent the winter in Florida where not much time is ever spent alone.  I love all that socializing but realized I also needed the mostly alone time I have when I'm back home for the summer.  It's so peaceful here in my little apartment and there is no stress whatsoever.  Anyway, it's just nice to relax without pressure to have to be somewhere else at a given time.

Could I be winding down because of my age?  It's probably more that it's just been in recent years that I've experienced pleasant alone time, not being lonely but peaceful.  It's probably nothing to be concerned about but I don't want to turn into a hermit.  That would be unhealthy.  But today I'll simply enjoy my peace and quiet day and get ready for the busy week ahead.

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