Saturday, July 04, 2015


I like to think I've become wiser and smarter with age but I'm shaped by the whole of the almost 75 years that I've lived...prejudices and all.  I see plenty that is obviously wrong with this world and I also see how much effort is put into righting small wrongs instead of targeting larger, more important ones.

Right now the left wing (I'm middle of the road) people are raising a ruckus about the confederate flag and whether or not it should be abolished because of what it might or might not represent.  Now, my way of thinking is that we have far more important issues, one of which I think is way overdue being dealt with and that is the punishment given to pedophiles who most often ruin the lives of innocent children.

I don't give a rat's ass if someone doesn't want the confederate flag flown but I deeply care that pedophiles are given token slaps on the wrist for horrendous crimes against little children.  Why are we wasting time trying to pass laws to banish a flag when we can't keep pedophiles locked away forever which would keep our precious children safe?

Why are we allowing some immigrants into our beautiful country who start demanding we change our traditions to pacify them?  Why do our laws punish an embezzler far harsher than they do a murderer?  How can a pedophile/rapist/incestuous bastard be given an 8 year prison sentence, serve only 1/3, and then walk out to damage our children once again?  Why can't some store clerks wish their customer's a Merry Christmas?  Why do we allow terrorists' families to remain in our country and collect welfare while the terrorists are imprisoned?

And some people think we should take time to abolish a piece of cloth because 200 years ago it flew over a part of the country that practiced slavery?  

I'm done ranting because it's not a happy place to be.

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