Monday, September 07, 2015

Am I Unaware?

It seems like every time someone phones me and asks how I'm doing, I say "absolutely fantastic"...and it's true.  Faye called today and we went through this routine and she said I might feel this way because I'm unaware of what is really going on.  That also could be true.  Whatever, I have a happy frame of mind almost all of the time and I'm not going to delve too deeply into it.

Nick's house sold today and that absolutely thrills me.  If the sale goes through it means he can get on with his life.  Right now he's sleeping in a little room in Kim's house on a 30 year old mattress.  He deserves much better than that and I hope all goes well until everything is settled.

Two of my 3 girls are in good relationships.  Kim is alone but seems happy enough.  Most of my grandchildren are in steady relationships, too, but they're young enough to play the single life for a while yet.

I'm single, too, but too old and content to even consider getting into another relationship.  Some women have to be with a man but I've outgrown that, thank heavens.  I'd only reconsider if a good looking old guy with a good sense of humor and a professional tool belt came along.  He'd have to be willing to settle for a fat old lady who doesn't cook and likes to come and go as she pleases.  I also snore.  Wonder if there's any hope for me??  LOL!

Anyway, I got a lot accomplished today and even did a bit of cooking...a 6 dinner supply of pork loin and cabbage.  I also did most of the weaving on a table runner.  I didn't say I wore myself out!

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