Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Are Only Police To Blame?

One of our city councillors who happens to be black has taken our police chief to task for a statement he made.  The police chief apparently sent out an e-mail stating that black people should stop blaming the police for all their problems.  Sounds sensible to me but our black councillor seems to think otherwise.

One of the biggest mistakes we make in life is to place the blame for our problems on everyone else but ourselves.  It doesn't matter if you're black, white, or something else, most of your problems were caused by you alone!  You made choices and some of them were mistakes but you're to blame, not anyone else.

If you're poor...educate yourself and work hard to improve your life.
If you're participating in crimes...stop.
If you're abusing drugs or alcohol...get help and stop.
If you're a victim of abuse...get away, get help and lay charges.

All of these problems in life afflict all races, nationalities, and religions but the police department did not cause any of them.

The solutions I suggested are not easy but they are attainable with determination and hard work.  I should also mention having respect for yourself, too, because respecting yourself means you want a decent life and are willing to work for it.

Our black councillor is terribly wrong to fault the police chief for what he said.  It happens to be the truth.

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