Saturday, September 19, 2015

First Attempt

I'm great at starting things but dropping out because I gave up too easily.  I've thought for a while now about calling my cable company to see if there were any channels any more that carry exercise programs and finally made the call today.

There is actually only one.  I remember when there were all kinds of exercise programs on T.V., especially in the mornings, but that isn't the case now.  The channel I chose is costing me $2.50 per month and I can cancel it any time if it isn't suitable for me.

And so I began.  It was a yoga program for old ladies (I know this because the 2 ladies doing yoga with the instructor were seniors and one had a pot belly).  I managed the first little exercise that involved stretching my arms up and out.  Easy.  The next exercise was not for me because it involved bending down on one knee and that is impossible for me.  So I tried an alternate way by just stooping a bit.  I hurt both knees so badly that I had to quit exercising.  I'd lasted about 1 1/2 minutes.

Tomorrow I'll do better because I'll do nothing that stresses my knees.

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