Sunday, September 13, 2015

Nolan and Nash Quotes

Nash had a sleepover here on Friday night and made me laugh more than once.

I was putting face cream on yesterday morning and Nash, as usual, asked why I was doing it.  I told him my skin was dry and this is what ladies did.  He asked me if I was a lady.

Then we went to Wendy's for lunch and I slipped a few extra straws in my purse to take home.  Nash, whose speech is sometimes hard to understand, clearly yelled out asking me why I had all those straws.  I told him I need them for home.  In a very loud voice, he said, "a hundred of them??".  I had maybe a dozen but I'm sure the other patrons in Wendy's thought I should be arrested.

I took my little treasure home to Kim's along with his frosty.  When Nolan saw that Nash had a frosty and he didn't, he had a fit.  Now, the last time I had Nolan overnight he got a chocolate sundae but that didn't matter to him.  He hung over Nash's shoulders like the family dog, hoping for a hand out.  After a while Nolan came to me with a big smile on his face and proudly said that Nash had let him lick the lid to his frosty.

I love those kids and the humor they provide me.

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