Sunday, September 06, 2015

Too Hot

It's September and we're having a heat wave.  Tomorrow it will reach 32C which is about 95F and I don't like it.  Needless to say, it will drop off soon and I'll be complaining about the cold or the rain...hope I can escape to Florida before it snows, though.

I bought new winter boots at Costco yesterday because the ones I bought last year (first new ones in about 15 years) had smooth soles and I was afraid of slipping on ice with them.  Wonder why anyone would make winter boots with smooth soles??  Wonder why I didn't notice before buying them??

Anyway, I hate this kind of heat but will venture out today for a little drive.  I need milk and bananas.  My grocery bill is never very high but I'll also stop at Burger King for lunch.  I guess my lunch bills are never very high, either.

I had dinner at Kim's last night and Nick and the boys were there, too.  The boys play very well together with Nash copying everything his brother does.  Kim put soapy water in a bucket for them to use their "guns" with.  They ended up cleaning her patio table, too, and then Kim turned the hose on them.  Those little boys make her so happy!

Nick's house is finally up for sale so I hope it sells soon and he can get on with his life.  He has the boys a lot and that's a good thing all around.  He's a good Daddy!

I finally decided to start a new afghan and even have a new pattern.  Someone posted a photo on Facebook of ones I've never seen so I had Kim enlarge it and print it for me to follow.  I think I can!  It seems to be a series of hearts and I've already done Swedish weaving in hearts so it shouldn't be too difficult.  I'll have to guess at the lengths of yarn needed for each row but that, too, shouldn't be very hard to do.  If I bought the pattern, it would cost $7.50 U.S. and I'm too cheap to do that.

My new afghan will be ecru fabric with pale peach/green/gold/lilac yarns.  They're from a grouping of yarns I bought to be used together and very pretty.  I might only use 3 of them but I'll decide as I start working on the pattern.

One of my old friends from the park (she taught me how to do Swedish weaving) has Alzeimers and can't follow a pattern any more.  I always think of that as I work because I'd hate to be unable to do Swedish weaving.  It's a joy for me to watch as the pattern develops and it keeps me busy, too.

Well, my marbles are still relatively intact so I'll count my lucky stars that I'm able to have an interesting and varied life for now.  I may be old in body but my mind still feels like I'm in my 30's.

Note:  Driving back from getting groceries, I saw a lady wearing a coat and scarf.  I'm assuming she can't even stick her head out the door during our frigid Canadian winters.

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