Sunday, December 20, 2015

Life Changer

My life changed today and I'm still reeling from what it all means.  Shelley and John have bought my trailer and are taking over the dreaded lot rent.  They also want to do some improvements but I can afford to do some myself now.  The benefit is all mine and it's a gift from them that just amazes me.  I definitely would have had to sell the trailer this year or walk away from it because I can no longer afford the lot rent...the Canadian dollar continues to drop against the American dollar and that is what is strangling me.

I felt very uneasy about burdening Shelley and John with my problem but they're looking to the future when Kim and Cindy will want somewhere to spend their winters when they retire.  We certainly are a strongly bound family who takes care of family.

This park is very close to Disney and I'm fine with Shelley letting family (but only family) stay here when I'm not here.  She knows about the need to close up the trailer properly, too.  I may only have a few short years left to come here but at least I won't be worried constantly about the cost.  

I've already got some improvements I'll make and I can't wait to get started.  First on my list are awnings for 2 windows that have been leaking.  Then I'm going to replace the flooring either with ceramic tile (if the trailer floor will support it) or vinyl tile.  It makes a big difference how much money I plan to spend because now it will be for my family and John's family.  I hadn't wanted to put another penny into the trailer because I'd thought it would either be going to a stranger or being turned over to the park.  This is going to be fun!

Oh yes, another thing happened today that was both bad and good.  As I was leaving Shelley's to go home, I saw a note under my car's windshield wipers.  It was from a lady who apologized for hitting my car and she'd left her phone number.  An honest lady!!

I checked the car and saw some damage to the right rear side and shed a silent tear or two.  I love my car.  John called the lady who doesn't want to go through her insurance but will pay for the repair.  I called my insurance company who said that was fine but I should get her insurance number, too, just in case she didn't pay.  I trust this lady because she could have walked away from the accident and not left the note with her phone number.

It's been a life changing day in a few ways.  Most incredibly wonderful! 

Update:  I got repair quotes for $1700...never expected it to be that high.  The lady who hit me decided to go through her insurance and they have already arranged for the repair to start on Monday.  They'll also provide me with a rental car to use until it's done.  All in all, it's an inconvenience for me but it's turned out to be well handled.  I'm thankful!

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