Sunday, December 06, 2015

The Clearing Begins

Today I decide what I want to keep from the trailer.  I've told Joann she can have anything I want to clear out and anything left will first go out on a "free" table for the park residents.  Anything left on the table will go to the Salvation Army.

This won't leave the trailer looking too empty but just a bit neater for the future owner.  I have no regrets about selling because "it's time".

Probably the most clutter is the packaging I used for Ebay and that's easy to dispose of.  I have a few ornaments that don't have any special meaning...except for my sweet little Furbys that I'll take home with me.  I also have one gorgeous flower vase I want to keep.  I was wise to take home most everything else I treasured over the past couple of years so I doubt my trunk will be too full.  I will take home my new T.V. if the trailer sells before I leave, too.

I'm a big believer that there is a season for everything in our lives.  My wonderful seasons of wintering in Florida might have come to an end but my life hasn't.  I still have lots of fun times ahead of me but they'll just be a little different than they have been since 1998.  There's no sadness to selling the trailer but an interest in wondering just what next winter holds for me.  Will I be able to rent for 3 months here in the park?  Will I have to stay home in the cold but make a positive life for myself there?

Whatever, I have the attitude that it will be good wherever I happen to land. 

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