Sunday, January 03, 2016

Got A Cold

It never used to bother me too much when I caught a cold because it was usually short lived but, now that I'm an old gal, it tends to hang around a bit longer...sometimes for many weeks.

I was really looking forward to going to the HOA meeting on Saturday because it promised to be full of controversy...I like watching controversy as long as it doesn't get violent.  I woke up on Friday with laryngitis which turned into a full blown cold with treacherous cough on Saturday.  I don't go out in public with a cold because I don't want to be responsible for killing anyone here so I missed the meeting.

By Saturday evening, I was starting to feel as though the cold had lessened in severity...good news.  This morning I'm still coughing a bit but feel pretty good.  I guess this is one of those times when my body has been stronger than the cold germs that invaded it.  

My goal had been to beat the cold by Tuesday so I could go over to the clubhouse and play cards with my friends.  It just might happen!

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