Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Donald Trump

I consider myself a guest here in the United States and it isn't my right to publicly discuss my personal views of their politicians.  If I disagree with an American's choices, I keep it to myself but I've been biting my tongue a long time about Donald Trump and I think it might be okay to air my views on this blog.

He scares the crap out of me.

I sort of understand his appeal to the people because many are fed up with what they see as unfair laws in their country.  They're tired of paying taxes to support illegal aliens for one thing and that's understandable.  Donald Trump would show them no mercy and toss them all out of the country.  Americans want big changes in their country and Donald Trump is the bully that will effect those changes.  He's also the bully that will destroy their country if by some horrendous chance he becomes president of the United States.

Donald Trump is an egotist beyond all reason.  There is no way a man like him could ever consider the rights and needs of another person let alone a whole country full of people.  He is such an egotist that I believe he entered the race for president as a colossal joke...even he never thought the people would elect him.  What a shock to see how many very good Americans have responded well to him out of fear and desperation.

I read Facebook every morning and it hurts my heart to see how many truly decent Americans are on his bandwagon, believing he will serve them best as their president.  It's frightening.  For one thing, the president of any country should have a shred of humanity that would prevent them from harming their countrymen.  Trump has never shown himself to be anything but an egotistical bully.  The thought of him in control of the great United States is horrifying.

No, it's not my place to open my big mouth and suggest to my good friends here that they've chosen a demon to support.  I can only hope that Trump doesn't win.      

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