Monday, March 07, 2016

Today's List

The biggest chore I had to do today was to have my shower and wash my hair.  I love easy days like this because it leaves a whole lot of time for me to play...not sure what I'll play at today, though.

I can't go anywhere until the bug man comes and I can tell him about the carpenter ants living in or near my trailer.  I rarely see one but they were in full force behind the paneling when it was removed so I have to get the bug man to deal with that.

Carol and I will be going out for lunch after he sprays.  I just wonder why his monthly spraying didn't kill all those ants off, though, but maybe it takes something different to get rid of them.  George comes once a month year round and sprays both inside my trailer and outside.  The cost is $16 and will never go higher because his policy is to always charge what he first charged.  That means that there are people here in the park who pay less or more than I do.  He's kind of an oddball but he's honest and reliable so I consider myself lucky to have him.

It's getting near the end of my Florida winter and there are lots of fun times happening this month.  Matt and Kellie arrive on Saturday and will be spending Sunday night and Monday with me.  Then I'll go over to Faye and Marilee's on the 19th for a few days, bringing Faye back with me until the 26th when we head back to Shelley's to go to a baseball game.  I think Kim, Kyran, and Tammy will be there, too.

The big "cousins" party is on April 2nd when Cindy and Don arrive.  Val comes in some time before that.  Party night is for all the family and I'll have Nicole drive me and my car home for me.  Sam can drive his car...they both live in Orlando so it's not too much out of their way.

Cindy, Don, and I head back to Canada on the 7th or 8th and I'm expecting we'll just need the one overnight to get home.  I'm ready to be home and have been a little homesick all winter.

This has been an eventful winter in many ways.  Shelley and John took over my lot rent and I did a major $1200 repair job to the tipouts...repaired water damage and put in new windows.  Shelley and John are still in the midst of a huge construction job at their house which we're all hoping will be done by the time the cousins arrive.  In a way, our lives have been kind of upside down most of the winter but these things had to be done.

Anyway, today is an easy and restful one.  Now I'll go and watch some T.V. while I wait for the bug man! 

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