Monday, May 23, 2016


Last night I snuggled up on my 6th floor balcony and watched maybe a dozen areas of fireworks, most far away and some just barely visible over the trees.  All beautiful in the dark night sky!  I wondered, as I always do, what it is about fireworks that thrills us so much...and I think I might have fallen upon an explanation.

Recently I became interested in the exploding galaxies the Hubble telescope was able to photograph and, darned if they don't remind me of the fireworks I watched last night.  It's the big bang theory.

The explosion, the color, the expanding lights.  Somehow, we know what this represents but we can't know it.  How could we know it?  Hmmm!  I'm not sure how long the Hubble telescope was in operation (possibly 10 years?) but I've been enjoying fireworks my whole life.

Anyway, as I sat out on the balcony and silently"ooed, awwwed, and  ohhhed", I pictured the hundreds of thousands of people who are enthralled by fireworks and questioned why.  I bet I got it right, though.  In some way, we've witnessed the "big bang" and have primal memories of it.  Maybe. 

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