Friday, May 13, 2016

Flower Photos

I am deeply entranced with what can be done with a cell phone.  I still don't want one with a service yet but I'm going to have a ball with one when I stop going to Florida.  That's when I'll get Nick to set me up with a good one with service.

I've already received one print that Kim took off the internet with her cell phone and then had enlarged and plaqued but I've quickly gotten 3 more that I'm totally in love with.  It has to stop soon, though, because I'll run out of wall space.  The thing is...I've now got wall art that I absolutely love and was able to find it so easily!

I love being surrounded by flowers but can really only have live ones on the balcony.  Cindy bought me a huge and gorgeous Mandevilla (photo above) that I'm trying to keep inside the apartment but, if it starts to fail, I'll put it out on the balcony.  I get tons of light in my apartment so I'm hoping it will thrive inside.

Anyway, Kim doesn't seem to mind helping me with the photos I choose and then she sends on to Costco to enlarge and plaque so I'll try not to go too far overboard with them.

But they're just so beautiful and I do have a bit more wall space!  Sigh! 

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