Wednesday, June 22, 2016

No Day For Me

We have special days or holidays dedicated to certain groups of people but I only get Mother's Day.  Black people have Martin Luther King Day and now we have Aboriginal Day.  There is also Gay Pride Day.  I'm a white, heterosexual lady with mixed heritage so where is my day??

We celebrate many different nationalities and religions in Canada which is all very nice but what about someone like me...a mongrel of sorts?  I want my day, too, so we could all be part of it.  We could name it "People Day".  I bet everyone would enjoy being part of such a huge group.  We might even see black, white, French, native, muslim, gay, straight people looking at each other and realizing we really are one people.

I think "People Day" would do more to bring us all together than having presidents and prime ministers of various countries trying to do just that by having a conference.

It hasn't been announced yet so I'm making a decision it will be every single day of the year.  Happy People Day!

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