Friday, September 02, 2016

Starving Artist

I believe I'm kind of artistic.  I love to write stories, poems, blogs.  I love to be creative with needlework and beading.  I'd paint if I could draw a straight line.  We all have some artistic ability but almost all of us are just not good enough to earn a living with it.  I really admire the artists who do.

I don't come from a particularly artistic background but my husband did.  His mother was an artist of sorts and so was he.  His sister is good at folk art and so is my daughter.  Any artistic talent among my offspring came mostly from my husband's side of the family.

I don't think you have to be a great artist to create.  You just have to enjoy what you're doing and if others enjoy it, too, that's a bonus.  It probably would stunt your artistry if you had to produce it on demand.

When I see photos of cave wall paintings done by our ancestors, it thrills me to know our creative drive came from that far back.  It's instilled in us to express ourselves creatively in one way or another.  It gives us a joyful feeling to see what our imagination can bring to life.

Our love of music and the way it affects us is also something that is part of our genetic makeup.  I believe if every one of us turned to the beauty of art for expression rather than following the dark side (destruction), this would be a more peaceful world to live in.   


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