Sunday, October 09, 2016

Dying...Our Wishes

It's not easy for your children to ask you what your wishes are for when you die.  I remember Cindy being so careful with how she approached me about mine...she was very fearful of scaring me, I think.

I've always been upfront and honest with my children because I know the responsibility of what to do with me when that time comes will fall right on their shoulders.  Discussing it doesn't scare me.  Ignoring it does.

Dennis and I decided many years ago that we wanted to be cremated.  I'll add that the thought of being put under the ground horrifies me much more than being cremated does.  The body left behind is only a shell and of no importance once there is no life in it.

But, before death we might become unable to take care of ourselves and I've notified my children that my wish is to be put into a nice nursing home where they should visit me often.  I definitely don't want them wasting their own precious lives nursing me in their home.  I remember telling them to remember this if and when I become senile and say something different.

When my friend went into hospice the other day, it got me thinking I'd omitted making my wishes known about my final days.  I told my girls that I would be comfortable with being in a hospice at that time.

It's not easy talking about death but it's foolish to pretend it isn't going to happen.  Make your wishes known and then carry on living.  I did and I am.

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