Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Election

I've done well to keep my big mouth shut on Facebook about the election.  The reason is that many of my American friends, all very decent and wonderful people, love Donald Trump and I don't want to insult them.  I think they are terribly misguided and my heart hurts for them but I do understand that they don't have much of a choice for their new president.  It's either the traitor Hilary or the maniac Donald and that is very sad.

It doesn't seem to matter what horrendous things come out of Trump's mouth, he still holds enough support of the people to possibly win the election and that astounds me.  What I don't know about Hilary Clinton and what my friends seem to know means he's still a better choice for them.

This is the first American election I've witnessed where even the party members are turning on their candidate.  Maybe this happened before but it's very apparent this time.  I'm thinking that no matter who wins this election, they will be hogtied by their own people and the economy in the United States will stagnate until 4 years from now when they elect a new president...hopefully a decent one they can respect.

I've finally made up my mind about our own Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  Nope, he's not the man his father was but more like his whimsical mother.  This is not good for our country.  Of course, I didn't vote so I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut and not complain.  That won't happen.

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