Friday, November 25, 2016

Still Waiting

I haven't heard when the MRI will be but I've experienced a wild and wooly week.  It's been interesting that I haven't felt very upset about it all because I think I should be.  Of course, I'm hoping the cyst is benign but, in the back of my mind, it isn't.

I moped around all week with not much interest in doing anything, even housework.  I ate meals only because I felt I should but had no hunger at all and then discovered I couldn't tolerate much more than a morsel of food at each meal.  This resulted in a 6 lb. loss in 5 days.  Was it from the cyst or my mind??

Well, on Wednesday I'd had enough and made myself a lovely vegetable beef soup and ate a normal amount.  Hmmm!  I was dismayed to find I'd lost another lb. yesterday morning but felt a bit of appetite returning so I made another of my slow cooker concoctions...gluten free noodles and boneless/skinless chicken thighs simmered in a seasoned broth for about 5 hours.  Yummy!  I ate well all day and found I'd gained a lb. this morning.  Hmmm!

It is amazing how our unconscious brain drives every aspect of our being.  I knew that I eat excessively when upset but can't eat at all when terribly upset and this was the case with me all week.  I'm still very cautious about overloading my pancreas with sugar or starch so I'm steering away from fries and chips and that is a good thing.

As it appetite is back and I have no pain.  This doesn't change the fact that I have a cyst in my pancreas and my white blood count is out of whack but, for now, I feel pretty normal.

I'm still very happy to be home instead of in the States because here I have my doctor and my OHIP.    

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