Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Aeron's Birthday

I'm beginning to lose track of how old my grandchildren are but I think Aeron is 27 today.  Aeron was our first born granddaughter and I have such happy memories of her growing up.  Funny how the personality a child displays in their early childhood is mainly the one they'll carry through life.  Aeron was a good little girl but she was quietly aggressive towards her brothers if no-one else.  She was and is a very self assured young lady so I guess we all did our jobs well in raising her.

Kim, Cindy, and I are driving out to Aeron's to take her for lunch...her Momma, her auntie, and her Gramma...all relatives who helped bring her to the wonderful woman she has turned out to be.  We taught her early to have enough respect for herself that she wouldn't settle for any abuse in her life and she learned well!  Her significant other, Jake, is a great guy with good family values and I'm sure they'll be married in the not too distant future.

Happy Birthday, my precious granddaughter.  You are so very much loved!

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