Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Statistics Canada Still Hounding Me

If it wasn't so pathetic it would be laughable.  Statistics Canada has been after me since May demanding I answer their Labor Survey or be fined or sent to jail.  To date they've called me over 300 times.  Yesterday they called 8 times beginning at 9 A.M. and ending about 7:30 P.M.  I have caller I.D. so I don't answer their calls but every once in a while they call from something other than their government number and I just hang up as soon as I know who it is.  What is the cost to us tax payers for the time and energy spent trying 300 times to get answers to a Labor Survey from a 76 year old woman??

If all they wanted was to know if I'm still working I could say no and that would be the end of it but some of the questions I find, where do I vacation.  That is none of their business.  Apparently they also ask your income...again, none of their business, I make out a tax return for that purpose.

I've asked them to stop calling.  I've e-mailed my member of parliament to get them to stop calling but never got a return answer.  I've e-mailed the provincial premier and got the same result.  There is no-one they are accountable to and that is a big problem for whoever they choose to harass.

I'll continue to not take their calls and I'll continue to hang up on them when they do get through.  I'm wondering how long it will be before they realize I'm even more determined than they are!

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