Monday, January 02, 2017

New Blog

I love the computer!  And I'm ever so thankful to my sister-in-law, Marilee, who told me about blogging only a few short years ago.  She knew that I love to write and suggested I create a blog.  I have a few now and just created a new one that I'm really thrilled with.  It's called "The Thankful Mind" and I'm really hoping it will catch on as a place to leave notes or even full stories about what we are thankful for in our lives.  

A while back I accidentally discovered a blog where people could write about their regrets and it made me sad.  We all have regrets but we also have so many more things we can and should be thankful for and that is why I started the new blog.

It reflects my belief that we can choose to be happy, concentrating on the good in our lives, or we can sink into the black hole that is unhappiness and despair.  There is plenty of both during our lifetime but it truly matters how we choose to deal with them.

Anyway, I am really looking forward to reading the first response to "The Thankful Mind". 

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