Monday, January 23, 2017

OK! The Election is Over!

The American election is over and the people have made their choice.  It might not be my choice but I didn't really have one and I'm not an American, either.  I thought there'd be less bickering and insult throwing once the election was over and the decision made but I was wrong.  There have been protests (nothing wrong with that as long as they behave decently and don't destroy anything) and friends lost (not any of mine, I hope) but life does go on no matter who the president of the United States happens to be.

It's over and done for the next 4 years and every American had better get on board and try to co-operate in making the 4 years productive ones that will enhance and enrich the American people.  Constant bickering will not help.  That said, I do hope there are rules and regulations that will keep any president from hurting their country!

I see a country so damned divided right now that it makes me sick.  There are so many protests for so many different groups who want it their way or no way.  I've hated hearing the description "African Americans" because it sets black people apart from their fellow Americans.  I hate hearing "Black Lives Matter" instead of "All Lives Matter".  The way I see it, the only way the United States can become unified is if they come together as a people and not a skin color or sexual identity.

We all know what is fair.  We all know that fairness for every single faction of society will come in time but it can't be forced on us.  I don't want men using a woman's public washroom and that doesn't make me homophobic.  It's just common sense.  And that's where those "politically correct" demands have missed the mark.  When it's demanded that we view Bruce Jenner as a hero because he got a sex change and cosmetic surgery to appear more feminine, you can see how our society has somehow derailed itself to the absurd.

We've become enlightened to understand that Bruce Jenner has every right to go through painful surgeries to become what he isn't.  We are slowly accepting if not really understanding the how or why.  No matter how people lead their lives, as long as they're not hurting anyone else, is not our business.  Just don't call them heroes because that is an insult to the true heroes in the world.  Our military and police officers are heroes.  The parents who work two jobs to feed and clothe their children are heroes.  The decent human beings who give of their time and energy to volunteer to make lives easier for the poor and sick are heroes.  

We need to step back from the "politically correct" and labeling and take a closer look at the people who do their best to make our world safe and productive.  If you're a good person it matters not one iota what you skin color, sexual status, finances, or religion you are.  It only matters that you're a good person.  

Now, after my rant kind of ran astray, back to President Trump.  It is what it is and my wish is that the Americans unite and make their country great again.  My wish is that they do it without hate.  

Oh, yes!  I hope border guards don't ban me from the United States just because I don't like their president. 


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