Friday, February 10, 2017

Feeling Wonderful

Darn it, I feel wonderful so what can be wrong with me?  This is why I hate seeing a doctor because what I don't know apparently doesn't hurt me and I want it to stay that way.

Anyway, Next Friday I'll be staying at Faye's overnight and Valerie will pick us up on Saturday morning to drive us Miss Daisies to Florida for a month.  I still have to say that it hasn't been a hard winter for me at home this year and even easier once I got my underground parking spot.

Kim came over for dinner and Rummikubes last night...Cindy is working in Toronto and doesn't get home until 6:30 so it's a very long day for her and I'm sure she just wants to get home and stay there.

I've thoroughly enjoyed the domino nights at Cindy and Don's house during the nice weather but am glad we changed it to my apartment during the winter.  Dominoes, cards,'s just nice to spend some time with my family yakking and laughing!  And not having to toddle out in the cold is a bonus!

I'm almost packed and feeling quite happy about getting down to warm and sunny Florida for a month but, if Shelley and hers weren't living there, I could also quite happily stay at home.  I'm at a new stage in my life after having 17+ winters in Florida and I'll always be grateful I had those times but I'll adapt to the change.  Life is a series of changes and, if we can't adapt to them, we can make ourselves very unhappy.

I stopped writing for a moment to read an article in today's newspaper and now I'm not the happy camper I was when I started writing...The U.S. is considering making that twit, Sarah Palin, the U.S. ambassador to Canada.  I can't stand the look of her, the sound of her, or her politics!  We already have a twit of a prime minister so haven't we been cursed enough!  

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