Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Want To Be Left Alone

When I was younger with no health issues, I didn't fully appreciate how nice it was being left alone by doctors.  This morning I found out that I have an appointment with the hematologist in April even though my white blood cells recovered quite nicely after the steroid shot wore off.  I hate visiting a doctor because they too often give you bad news.  I'd rather carry on in blissful ignorance!

I feel very healthy or maybe I'd not mind a doctor's care but I guess I'll have to put up with it.  I'd been told the hematologist wasn't interested in seeing me unless my WBC hit 30 (which is still way too low to require treatment).  My last bloodwork showed the WBC at 20 so what's the problem??

We Canadians consider ourselves very fortunate to have our universal health care system where no-one has to worry about the cost of seeing a doctor.  I'd just prefer to have them leave me alone!

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