Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Gotta Cold

I have my first cold in over a year and I can't blame Joann who had a cold and came to play cards with us.  I'd had a little cough for a few days before that I'd mistaken for allergies but yesterday it hit me full force.  I don't ail well.  I'm not positive but I think I whine and skulk because I feel so poorly done by to have gotten sick.  Even I realize that is not a pretty picture.

I felt just horrible yesterday and went to bed at 6:30 and was asleep before 7 P.M.  I did get up at 7 A.M. this morning feeling a bit better.  A good sleep helps heal us.

Faye and I worked on the plants this morning...me planting and her trimming.  She amazes me with how much stamina she has at 81.  I could do 20-30 minute spurts and have to rest and drink water for 30 minutes.  Faye would stop occasionally for a short rest and water and then be off working again.  The heat, sun, and humidity were hard on us even though we stopped working before noon.

Faye made a soup for dinner and I, completely exhausted, went back to bed for a couple of hours.  

I certainly hope to feel much better tomorrow.

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