Sunday, March 05, 2017

John's Back is Out

John is constantly on the move.  His job takes him away for days at a time but he's always doing projects at home, too.  Yesterday he threw his back out and could barely make it into the house.  Now he's pretty well bed ridden until the muscle relaxers take hold...we're hoping it's only a muscle strain.  He's been moving concrete blocks and bricks around for a wall he's planning but he has well paid gardeners who should be doing this kind of job.  I know John loves puttering in the garden but maybe it's time to give his poor back a rest.

Shelley is away in Atlanta with Nicole, Lisette, Barb, and Katie searching for the perfect wedding dress.  I haven't heard if they found it and they won't let me see any pictures of it if they do.  Shelley is home tonight and I'll feel better having her assess what treatment John needs.

It's very quiet this morning.  Jake slept in the family room last night so he'd hear his father if he needed him and they're still asleep.  I haven't seen Faye so she might be out walking.  

I bought cough medicine yesterday because I'm coughing so much and it's affecting my sleep and draining my energy.  I took it last night and still coughed all night long.  

Now for some good news.  Shelley might have a terrific new job offer.  She's been asked to meet with the COO (means chief operating officer) when he comes to town next week.  It sounds like a wonderful opportunity for her!

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