Monday, March 06, 2017

A Comedy Team

All we did was take a trip to the grocery store and, as usual, it turned into a comedy routine.  We seem to have lost all sense of decorum and, worse, even Faye has lost her sense of direction which left me as an unwilling, unable to help, passenger.  We got there okay but coming back was another story.  Faye won't take the easy route because of the heavy traffic so off she went on unknown streets in a direction only she had some sense of and me tactfully not saying she should have stayed on the main drag.

Of course we got lost, not badly but enough to have us both laughing like idiots and thankful we didn't have to pee.  There's some kind of circle close to Shelley's house that Faye thought she was on (she wasn't and I was blissfully unaware) so we circled the damn thing 3 times before she edged back out on what I believe was the same street we came in on.  We found another circle and toured it until, by magic, there was Shelley's street.  

Oh yes, every time we arrive at Shelley's house we need to go in through the garage because the other doors might be locked.  Every time we arrive at Shelley's house we climb out of the car, grab our purchases, and lock the car door.  The garage door opener sits safely locked inside the car.  Every time!  

I swear a film crew should follow us around and we'd be the hit of youtube making someone a lot of money.

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