Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Let's Celebrate Our Similarities

None of my friends or the people I love are exactly like me.  Not one has every single flaw that I have, either.  I don't connect with people based on how similar they are to me but on some unknown factor...first they have to be kind and honest but that's just a start.  Some of the people I like are complete screwballs and some are gentle souls.  What I absolutely don't care about is their skin color, nationality, or religion.  Those stats are unimportant.

I watched a wonderful video today put out by Denmark and it proved in it's 3 minute span how everyone on this planet is more alike than not.  It got me thinking about what kind of person I couldn't be friendly with and I'm sure it's the same kind for all of us...a bitter, violent, untruthful sort.  That sure leaves an awful lot of people who are good candidates for friends, doesn't it?  

I'm so tired of all the nastiness I'm seeing on Facebook and hope more people will move to their nicer side or I'll have to give Facebook up.  My days on earth are numbered just like everyone else's and I don't want them filled with misery.

So here's to happier days!

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