Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Dinner With Kim

I had dinner with Kim last night and it was so nice to see my eldest child again after being away for a month.  She was pretty excited about finding an envelope with some very interesting papers that the previous owners of her house had left behind.  There is no value in them but I think she should pass them on to John who might also find them interesting.

Cindy and her kids are all down visiting with Shelley and John for the week so I won't see her until she gets back.  I count my blessings to have 3 daughters to love and who love me, too.

When my children were young, we spent a lot of time with in-laws and their children so that generation grew up as friends.  I love my nieces and nephews almost like my own children, too.  We continue to reap the benefits of being a close knit family and that's a darned good thing!

I had planned to start my spring cleaning today but slept poorly last night and then got up at 4 A.M.  I have a feeling I won't be too enthused about doing any heavy duty cleaning today.  I only do this kind of cleaning...pulling out furniture to clean underneath...once a year and it's still early spring so I have plenty of time to get it done.

I'm kind of a sporadic cleaner.  Yesterday I did laundry and then looked under the bathroom sink for some shampoo.  I'd already cleaned it pretty thoroughly in the fall but I knew there were things there that I probably didn't really need or that could be stored elsewhere.  Before I knew it, I had hauled everything out, cleaned the cabinet, tossed quite a few things, re-organized what was left and now I have a lovely clean and neat bathroom cabinet.  I guess my spring cleaning has already started!  

Someone is coming to roto rooter the drain in the kitchen sink today so I've also cleaned out under it.  I have no drainage problem but this must be something the building superintendent looks after every so often.  Another good reason for me to be out of my house and into this apartment!

Well, I'm thinking I should at least be dressed before the roto rooter person arrives so I'd better get off the computer.   

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