Friday, March 31, 2017

Political Chatter

The Americans who squawked the most got their Trump elected but it doesn't stop there.  Now they are adamant about protecting him no matter what they hear about him.  Did the Russians help get him elected?  Has he brought in way too many family members and put them in positions of power?  Has he lied repeatedly and been proven a liar?  It doesn't seem to will admit they made a mistake in supporting him.  I don't get it.  What does this man have to do to make his supporters jump off the wagon?

Something I've learned from all of this is that the United States does have safeguards to keep a tyrant like Trump from doing too much harm to the country.  It's been interesting to see how many of his own party have stood up to him and said "NO!".  He calls them traitors but we should be very thankful that there are some politicians with the guts to know when to say no.

I've always thought that all politicians will follow the party line no matter what it is but the Republicans have enlightened me.  I think they're as afraid of Trump as many of us.  The next 4 years will be interesting but I hope not devastating.  If Trump is re-elected, I give up on mankind!

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