Friday, April 28, 2017


There was a small incident last night that is worth mentioning.  As we were at dinner, Kim asked Nolan if he had a girlfriend and, being only not quite 8 years old, he responded first with a polite  but surprised "no".  Apparently Kim knows something the rest of us didn't because she kept asking him and his responses were louder and more upset each time.  The last time she asked, he verged on the side of rudeness but whose fault was that?  His father stepped in and reprimanded him and told him to apologize to Kim for his rudeness (I can't really consider it rudeness because he was hounded into raising his voice in anger).  I suggested that Kim owed Nolan an apology, too.  Nolan apologized but Kim didn't.

It was left at that but it got me thinking how much we often demand of our little ones but let the adults get away with the behavior that got the little one in trouble in the first place.

If our unnecessary questions result in an upset child, it makes sense to stop asking them.  It also makes sense for the adult to apologize for unnecessarily upsetting the child.

GG hint of the day!

Update:  Apparently Kim thought it over and decided to apologize to Nolan.  It was the right thing to do and I'm happy she's the wonderful Gramma she is to those boys.

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