Thursday, April 20, 2017

MRI Done

After  the calming talks from Shelley and my family doctor I was able to have a very good night's sleep.  Of course there's still a little niggling worry in the back of my mind and it will stay there until my last breath.  That's just the way I am.

I drove up to Kim's this morning and we went to "Gramma Day" at Nash's school.  Dianne was there, too, so lucky little Nash had 3 doting Gramma/GG to show his work and play.  I think it's so important to prove your interest in the children because it makes them feel loved and appreciated.  Nash sure enjoyed having us there.

We left just before 10 A.M. to go to the hospital for my MRI and I was only a little nervous...more because I don't like being in a tight place and that's what you get with an MRI.  Apparently it was 5 of our city's machines that have been down and not all have been fixed yet.  I can't understand how this can happen because the backlog must be horrible and some people are desperately in need.  We ended up having to wait a good 15 minutes after my appointment time before I even was called in.

I wasn't sedated as I'd thought I'd be and that kind of concerned me but I went along with the program until I was actually drawn into the machine.  It really scared me because the walls were just too close to my face so they drew me back out and asked if I wanted a cloth over my face.  They'd mentioned that before but I'd said no.  Now I knew I needed something or I wouldn't be able to go through with it.

Having the cloth on my face was an immediate improvement and I got through the 40 minute program with no further problems.  As one of the techs was removing the needle from my arm I asked her if she could tell me anything.  She said no and that's what I expected her to say.  Moments later she quietly said, "You've probably had the cyst all of your life".  The kindness of the message in those words surprised me.  She's not allowed to tell me the results but she'd been able to convey that the cyst was just a cyst and no problem.  At least that's what I hope she meant.  I'll try not to worry so much now.

It was pouring rain and much later (after noon) than we'd thought it all would take so Kim called her boss and he gave her the rest of the day off.  We went to Swiss Chalet and ate like neither of us had to watch our weight.  Then I came home and had a nap.

Life is good!

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