Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sexual Harrassment

The sexual harassment today's women are faced with is nothing compared to what we tolerated in the 1950's and 1960's.  We females had been brainwashed to believe our only recourse was to ignore the harassment.  I'm very proud of the new generation of women who refuse to tolerate it and who will speak up against it!

I spent my younger years being sexually harassed on an almost daily basis by males who believed in their hearts they had the right to insult and frighten any female they chose.  We couldn't walk down the street without filthy suggestions being tossed at us or someone attempting to touch us in an aggressive and unwanted way.  When I look back at those days I can't understand why we tolerated it for so long.  It took the Women's Liberation Movement to open our eyes.

I know these things still go on but I'll bet the offending male is kept even a little bit at bay worrying he'll be reported and have to face the consequences of his behaviour.

My daughters and granddaughters would never accept being sexually bullied so progress has been made.  I give all the credit to the Women's Liberation Movement which, though ridiculed and fought against at the time, proved to be our salvation.  Women of today know their worth.  They know that they don't have to put up with unwanted attention from males.  They know our laws now protect them and they're not afraid to use them when necessary.

Good parents teach their sons to show restraint and respect for females.  They teach their daughters to accept nothing but respect.  So far it seems like the daughters are learning faster than the sons but remember that sexual harassment is an expression of power over a weaker individual.  The male population still holds most of the power in this world so harassment and bullying won't be wiped out any time soon.

I wanted to make a joke about how sexual harassment diminishes as we women grow older but the memories of our younger days and the fear and embarrassment we went through will always linger on.  Those awful memories will always have some kind of effect on our psyche.

Speak up, young ladies, and know we older ladies support you!

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