Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Binary Birth Certificates

An Ontario "film maker" (one unknown film) has applied for a binary birth certificate which will not state his birth sex.  Apparently he doesn't identify with the term "male" or else he's just trying to get publicity...guess which?

Personally I don't care what anyone wants put on their birth certificate but I do care when some idiot takes offense at being called a male or a female.  Is anyone having surgery to remove all outward appearances of both sexes?  OMG!  Now they will and some idiot surgeon will do the surgery and charge the cost to us tax payers.

What is this ridiculous agenda against identifying with your birth sex?  Who wins if we refrain from using the terms male and female?  You are what you are or, in some cases, what your surgery has made you.  You can call yourself anything you want but then there's reality.

Adults who play this game are no bother to me but, when they force it on their children, then I believe they're practicing child abuse and should be taken to task for it.

We do live in a crazy world where people often choose to showboat a cause that has very little merit.  Forget about wasting time changing the sex on your birth certificate and volunteer at a soup kitchen for heavens sake!

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