Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Terrorists bombed and killed 22 innocent people yesterday.  My mind cannot begin to understand how someone can deliberately walk into a group of happy souls enjoying a concert and purposely choose to end their lives.  There seems to be no logical or sane reason to do something like this.  It gives the bombers nothing but hatred from their fellow human beings and does absolutely nothing to further their sick cause.

What goes on in a terrorist's mind to make them believe they have the right to end lives?  What good can ever come from destroying the lives of innocent people?  Do they feel a sick joy as they see the fruits of their labor...the dead and the injured?  Do they not understand that one day, especially when they die, they will have to face the consequences of their savage actions?  Are there really religious leaders that promote violence like this and can they still be referred to as religious leaders?

So many questions because none of it makes sense.  How can anyone believe they've succeeded in a mission to destroy innocent human beings?  Do they look upon everyone other than their own little clique as having no worth?

It simply makes no sense and it is simply an abomination in this world.  

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