Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

There is no question that being a mother or in a motherly role is the most important occupation anyone could have.  For some reason we are here to bear or raise children to be the best they can be and nothing else compares to that role.

I know that bringing my 3 girls into the world and raising them to be decent and productive women is the biggest accomplishment of my life and I'm not exaggerating.  In my case, it helped immensely that my family of women...aunts, cousins, Grammas, and friends...were also instrumental in making my girls the wonderful human beings they are today.

They say it takes a village to raise a child and that's true.  I'm not diminishing the roles that good fathers, uncles, Grampas, etc. hold in raising a child well but nature has made us women a little more nurturing because we had to be.

In every family gathering there is one little girl who carts the babies around and, in our family, it was Linda.  It changes by generation but Linda was the just a few years older than my girls and she's the one who watched over them at those family gatherings.  She is also one heck of a wonderful mother and grandmother today.

My girls are taking good care of me today.  Cindy is taking me to Kyle's football game and then to her house where Aeron, Tyson, and Kyle will make our Mother's Day lunch.  Kim is having dinner with Nick and his bunch and I'll go there later for coffee.  The only one missing is Shelley and she can't make it up from Tampa but I know she'll be calling me some time today.


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