Saturday, May 13, 2017

Murderers, Unrepentant, Stupid

It isn't unusual for people on trial for a serious crimes to act up in the courtroom when pronounced guilty.  What seems so ludicrous is that some of them are stupid enough to curse out the judge who will impose their prison sentence.  We know that most criminals are stupid but just how stupid is sometimes surprising.

In my city, we just had young men in their mid 20's sentenced to life in prison, one without parole for 25 years, for murdering another young man over a minor argument.  They were caught and convicted, losing a major portion of their lives to a prison cell.  They cursed the parent of the man they killed.  They cursed the judge.  They cursed the witnesses.  Did they think their gross behavior would bring them a lighter sentence or were they really, really stupid?  Thank heavens these brainless but dangerous men are off the streets for at least a few years but they won't have learned their lessons because they are brain dead.

It's interesting to note that the wife of one of the convicted gave the finger to the press when she left the courthouse.  Creatures like this often group together and she's no exception.

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